Disturbed Psycho's Realm

Welcome to Disturbed Psychos Realm

This site was created to post pics
that I've drawn, and games that I've
created using RPG Maker 2000


February 18, 2001I decided to finish up a drawing I did about a month ago the other day.. so go check out a pic called "The Sickness" in the Art section.
January 17, 2001I finished that pic I was talkin about =). So thats up in the Art section now (Vampire Portrait). Go take a look, it's one of my better.
January 16, 2001It's been a while since I added anything to the site but in the next few days I'll be re-scanning all of my images. I think they're too small and don't show any detail that I worked so hard for.. I'll also be adding a new pic soon, it's almost done I'm just putting the finishing touches on. BTW I also got my scanner fixed today =). I have no clue what was wrong with it but deleting everything haveing to do with it and reinstalling everything (took me about an hour..) seemed to make it happy.
December 28, 2000I'm making the section for my game (Not available to public, sorry ;). We don't want any info leaks, do we?). I'm making it much more complete.. This will probobly take a while, so expect that in the near future. . I've been doing alot of database work on this game and it's really slow progress. Currently I'm making summon animations, which in my opinion take too damn long to make, but it's worth it...
December 25, 2000Merry Christmas =). My gift to you is ... PICTURES! Thats right, to celebrate Christmas I loaded all the pictures to the site. Enjoy.
December 24, 2000Happy Holidays Everyone!
December 23, 2000I've done a little remodeling to the site (just slight changes), and I'll have my scanner all ready and scanning by Tuesday. Today's Saturday if you aren't by a calendar... I've also been workin on my game a little lately. I'm almost done with the first town :). Go read about it in the Game section. I'm also doin some character creations using IDraw3. I'll probobly have a few more to post on the site by time the weekend's over. I'm currently on Christmas Break so I have alot of free time... well it doesn't end until January 3rd so I'm in a non-stop good mood!..until then.
December 22, 2000I added a game section to the site today, so now all sections are complete. I'll also redo the art page later so its in gallerys. This will make the pics a little more catagorized and not just kinda all jumbled together ;).
December 20, 2000I finished a few more sections today. Still no art, but I'll have them up by next Wednesday (that's a week away). I put up a few links and stuff to. Also within the next few weeks I'll be getting a graphic program so I can add better graphics to the site :).
December 17, 2000I started the site today. I don't have any pics up yet, but they'll get here. It'll probobly be a while, I want to finish the actual site before I start adding my pics to it.

DL The Disturbed Psycho's Realm Theme Song (Marilyn Manson- Beautiful People pictures
The Disturbed Psycho's Realm Theme Song Lyrics

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